
Purpose: Inaugural Event and meetup for enthusiastic club Mozillerz.

Organizer: Mozilla Nashik Community

Leaded by:

1)  Vishal Chavan (Mozilla Rep & Mozilla club coordinator)

2) Mayur Patil (Mozilla Rep)

3) Kamlesh Vilpura

4) Akshay Sonavane

Rep event page:


  • Introduction to Mozilla clubs.
  • Mentoring club lead.
  • Introduction to Mozilla communities.
  • Contribution pathways
  • Introduction to connected device.

      Inaugural Event was held on 12 August 2016 based on mozilla clubs and mentoring club lead for the newly formed group Mozillerz. It was another wonderful experience with passionate Mozillians.

     Mayur Patil and Vishal Chavan leaded the meetup and started with Mozilla story and introduction to Mozilla clubs. This time it was detail discussion on different things like open source, Mozilla mission. We also came to know about Mozilla communication process and tools. Then we decided to take some technical events and sessions for our group to enhance our technical skills.

      At last everyone shared their experience of being Mozillian, that was inspiring. Akshay and Kamlesh shared their technical journey and gave us some privacy tips.
The overall discussion will help us to develop strategy for the future club activities.